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Shipping Policies

Shipping Policies

We are pleased to announce that we now ship worldwide. Orders shipped within the U.S. take around 3-5 days to arrive but can take a bit longer depending on location. However, please note that delivery times may vary depending on destination, and international orders may take up to 4 weeks to arrive. We may be unable to track certain international orders after they have left the U.S., and are not liable for any lost or stolen packages.

Prices for shipments outside of the U.S. may differ, and any applicable customs fees must be paid upon delivery. By making a purchase, you agree to pay any additional custom fees that may occur.

Shipping is included on some of our pre-pay plans and gift options. For other plans, the shipping charged separately.

Our boxes ship around the 28th of each month. The timeframe that your first box will be shipped varies depending on sign up date. See our terms of service for details on ship times.


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